This Is How Difficult Krav Maga Is To Learn

Learning any self-defense technique requires a little coordination. Even if you might have two left hands or feet, with the right amount of training, you should be able to learn new moves every week. If you watch videos or movies where Krav Maga is used, you will see the progressive nature of the system. The movements are fast, and if you were unsure if you would be able to learn, this is how difficult Krav Maga is to learn.

Typically, Krav Maga is easy enough for the man on the street to learn. It was developed in this fashion so that ordinary people can learn the art of military-style self-defense techniques. As you progress through levels and learn more advanced moves, it can be challenging to master. In general, Krav Maga, if practiced more than once per week, is easy to learn.

That being said, it will take you a good few years to master some moves and scenarios, and because the criminal element constantly evolves, so should your training. The basic techniques in Krav Maga are easy to learn; your body will respond to the adrenaline and crossing the midline training. There might be more complex movements to learn for specific individuals, but that could be due to a functionality problem, a disability, or a fitness issue. Let’s look at how difficult Krav Maga is to learn.

How Long Can It Take To Learn Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is not an overnight or three-month crash course system. It is a lifestyle system and requires willpower and dedication. You can become efficient enough in Krav Maga to fend off an assailant within six months to a year. Typically each level will be more challenging and more physically demanding as you progress. This is how long it will take you to learn Krav Maga;

  • White to Yellow – 6 months
  • Yellow to Orange – 12 months
  • Orange to Green – 18 months
  • Green to Blue – 18 months
  • Blue to Brown – 24 months
  • Brown to Black – 24 months
  • Black to Black Belt 1st Dan – 3.5 years
  • Black Belt 2nd Dan – 5 years
  • Black Belt 3rd Dan – 5 years
  • Black Belt 4th Dan – 5 years
  • Black Belt 5th Dan – 5 years

Which Krav Maga Moves Are Difficult To Learn?

There can be techniques that will be more difficult to learn and master in any self-defense system than others. This is why these moves might take a few lessons to cover. In the beginning phases of learning Krav Maga, the movements are relatively simple. What I found complex as a right-handed person was to master the same move with my left hand or leg.

As you progress and build muscle memory, this becomes easier. Some grips and scenarios require techniques that are pretty difficult to master as follows;

  • Gun to the front defense.
  • Gun to the rear/back of the head defense.
  • Gun to the side/under the arm defense.
  • Multiple attackers with weapons.
  • Knife to the throat defense.
  • Knife to the rear defense.
  • Rifle or shotgun defense.
  • Bar fight/multiple attackers.
  • On the ground defense.
  • Full Nelson defense.

Real-life scenarios are terrifying, and life can change in an instant. Some of these techniques will take time to learn, and although challenging, they can be mastered. Every threat is different, and no two situations will be the same, so always be ready to face anything.

Can You Learn Krav Maga Online?

With all the online materials available today, yes, you could learn Krav Maga techniques online, but should you? Definitely not. Krav Maga should only be taught by a registered and authorized instructor.

Krav Maga is a very explosive, physical self-defense system that requires contact to learn, train and master various grips, locks, chokes, punches, and kicks. It is not possible to do them if you are isolated.

You can, however, train knife techniques, punches, and kicks on a dummy in your spare time. Your qualified instructor is there to help guide you, answer questions, they check your technique, and keep an eye on you during adrenaline spikes.

Can You Get Injured While Learning Krav Maga?

The one fundamental in Krav Maga is not to get injured during training. This is to prevent you from ever being in a threat situation and not being able to defend or protect yourself. The following hits are the most painful in Krav Maga, and caution needs to be exercised while training them. This is not the complete guide to all moves that could cause injury if not done correctly;

  • A Palm Strike To The Nose – The nose is a very sensitive part of the face, and striking it with your palm causes intense pain. A forceful strike can break a nose and disable a person for a while.
  • A Throat Punch – A forceful strike to the throat can severely hurt the windpipe. When the windpipe is injured, it causes gagging, coughing, and blood-spitting. If appropriately struck, the windpipe could be crushed in some cases, causing a lack of oxygen and death.
  • A Collarbone Strike – One of the weaker points in the body, the collarbone is notoriously easy to break. A forceful hammer punch, elbow strike, or a kick if the opponent is on the ground will result in a fracture. This will eliminate a person’s ability to fight or defend.
  • A Strike To The Heart – A forceful hammer punch to the heart can stop it, causing death. Even a partially restraint blow to the heart is excruciating and must be practiced with the utmost care and supervision.
  • A Kick To The Groin – The groin area of a male is one of the most sensitive areas when it gets stuck, causing shock and pain to the body. If done correctly, this strike will eliminate an opponent for some time.
  • A Strike To The Knee – A good strike to the knee can not only tear a ligament but dislocate the knee cap or cause a fracture. This is an excellent way to disable an opponent since he would be unable to stand.
  • A kick to the head/temple – If you get your opponent on the ground and you can administer a kick to the head or, more specifically, the temple, you will likely render them unconscious.

While these techniques are typically used in a threat situation, you will have to train these moves in a class setting. If not done under supervision, you can end up getting hurt pretty badly. It is not uncommon to get bruised on your arms, face, and shins during a class, but you should not be getting hurt in a Krav Maga class.  

This is one reason why it is vitally important to train with a good instructor and in a controlled environment.


While it is not difficult to learn Krav Maga in terms of technique, it is difficult to gauge a situation like on the street. While the aim is never to willfully engage in a fight or have to defend yourself, the fundamental with Krav Maga is to be prepared and do whatever is necessary to walk away alive.

With each lesson, you will revise and learn a new technique, which will prepare you for workshops that create scenarios and the opportunity to practice what you were taught. This revision helps build muscle and neuro memory-making Krav Maga easier to learn as you progress.

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