Protective clothing is generally worn by any beekeeper whilst collecting honey and caring for the beehives. Even though several layers are worn, a bee can sting through jeans and clothing quite easily! If the cloth is tight against your skin, a bee can sting you through a layer of clothing.
You cannot start a bee colony with a queen bee alone. A bee colony is a community of bees, where different bees have different functions, and they all depend on one another to fulfill their part for the colony to survive. The queen is pretty much helpless on her own and will not survive on her own, nor be able to build a colony without other bees.
Beehives cannot be left alone but require active management and maintenance to keep your hives healthy and productive. Hives that are left to their own devices may last a few years, but at some point, the bees will abscond from the hive to find more suitable accommodation that better meets their needs.
It should not be necessary for beekeepers to carry an EpiPen as part of their gear, but the choice you make should be depending on your experience and allergy status. If you have presented with abnormal reactions to bee stings in the past, it would be better to consult a doctor as to the best procedure and precautions to take. Prevention is better than cure, so take the proper precautions.