Craft of Manhood

What Is The Best Testosterone Test?

What Is The Best Testosterone Test?

Low testosterone often slips under the radar because when you notice that you might have low testosterone, it is too late, and you will need to start seeking treatment. So, it is best to catch it early, which brings us to the question, what is the best testosterone test? Well, let’s take a look:

In the rest of this article, I will be taking a closer look at each of these products. I also want to answer a few questions that always come up when talking about testosterone. So, for everything you need to know, I recommend that you keep reading.

Different Types Of Testosterone Tests

There are different ways you can test your testosterone. If you go to a doctor, they will often test your blood as it is the easiest and most accurate method. However, some tests are via saliva analysis.

In both methods, you can test for two types of testosterone. These include:

The testosterone itself is not different. Attached testosterone attaches itself to proteins within the blood, while free testosterone is not attached to anything. Often, doctors will test for free testosterone as it gives them a better indication of your testosterone levels.

Most at-home tests also test for free testosterone. Some labs you send the test to can distinguish between free and attached testosterone, and they will give you the results based on both.

4 Best Testosterone Tests

Finding a good testosterone test is not that easy. There is a lot that needs to be considered. Luckily, I have done most of the work for you and have found what I believe to be the four best testosterone tests available. These tests can be done in the privacy of your own home, and the results can be checked online.

Let’s Get Checked

This at-home test is one of the most popular testosterone tests. It has made it to the top of the list on many articles, and for a good reason. If you want to check more than just your testosterone, they offer a variety of packages.

Starting at $69, you have a simple testosterone test. If you want to do a thorough test, they have packages ranging from $69 to $199.

I’m Aware

You don’t see many people talking about this at-home testosterone test, which is strange considering they are approved by the CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments). Also, they are CAP certified.

Their headquarters is based in the United States, which means there is a high chance your results will be processed in a good time frame. They do promise results within seven business days, and the test costs $69.

Once the results have been processed, it gets reviewed by a physician to make sure that there are no mistakes and so that you don’t get the wrong results. Overall, I highly recommend I’mAware.

Everly Well

The amount of tests that this company sells is quite remarkable. When it comes to fitness, testosterone is not the only thing that can affect your performance. Whether you are a male or female, understanding your body can help you prevent gym-related injuries as well as improve your performance.

That is why I recommend looking at the Men’s or Woman’s health test. These cost around $199. If you decide to go for the testosterone test by itself, you save quite a lot as it costs $49, one of the cheapest on this list.

The men’s and Women’s Health tests are significantly different from each other; more specifically, the female version tests for a lot more than the male version. Let’s take a look at what both of these tests include.

For men:

For women:

My Lab Box

My Lab Box has to be one of the most convenient at-home testosterone tests available. Not only is the test relatively quick, taking only 5 minutes, but you get your results within three to five days, which is great for anybody that might be in a rush.

However, that convenience does come at a price. At $79 for the testosterone test, My Lab Box is not the cheapest on this list, but spending an extra ten or $20 might be worth it if you want results fast, perhaps because you want to sort out your training schedule.

It is also important to remember that you get free shipping from My Lab Box. Once you have sent your test to the lab, you can use the online portal and log in with your login details to keep track of your results. Everything is private; the lab is certified, and they have a physician review all results.

Bets Time To Test Your Testosterone

When doing a testosterone test, it is important to do it at the best time of day. Not many people know that your testosterone is not a static number. It fluctuates throughout the day. The dips may be small, but they are still significant enough if you are worried about having low testosterone levels.

Your testosterone levels are at their highest between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM. If you are doing the at-home test, you want to try and do it between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. If you wait longer than that, you might not be getting the most accurate results.

If, for some obscure reason, you want to know what your testosterone levels are at a certain time of day, then you can do the test at that specific time. I can imagine if you gym at 4:00 PM, you might want to know what your levels are at that exact time.

For some men and women, you might want to check your levels at night for obvious reasons. You can still do your checks at night, but you won’t get the most accurate results.

At Home Testosterone Tests Vs. Doctors

At-home testosterone tests have shown to be quite accurate. The biggest problem that people have with them is the time it takes to get results. The time it takes varies depending on which test kit you use. That said, I have to answer this question responsibly.

In an article that has any medical advice, the consensus is that you should see a doctor for any concerns you might have. It is true, seeing a doctor about any medical issues is always your best option, but that does not mean testing yourself is a waste of time.

Getting yourself tested with an at-home testosterone kit gives you privacy and convenience that many of us appreciate. If you go to a doctor, they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not you have low testosterone based purely on your symptoms, even if they are waiting for results.

Also, if you get checked by a doctor, they will recommend treatments almost immediately. So, in that regard, going to a doctor is your best option, but I understand that not many people have the time or money for that.

Signs You Have Low Testosterone

When you have low testosterone, your body will start trying to tell you. It will come across in various ways. It is also important to note that having low testosterone can affect anyone of any gender. It is not exclusive to men. So, in this section, I want to look at the symptoms of low testosterone for both males and females.

Please note that a lot of these symptoms could be due to other reasons. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor rather than diagnose yourself.

Low Testosterone Symptoms In Men

The first symptom you will experience is fatigue. It is by far one of the most serious symptoms as it can keep you from doing activities such as running or going to the gym. Here are a few more symptoms that men experience:

Low Testosterone Symptoms In Women

A terrible misconception, especially among new fitness enthusiasts and gym-goers, is that testosterone is a male problem, but it can also affect women. In fact, managing testosterone in women can be more important because you have to worry about too little and too much rather than too little. So, here are a few symptoms of low testosterone in women:

Symptoms of High Testosterone In Women

For women, having high testosterone levels can have serious effects, specifically on their appearance. While some of these changes might not bother you, I understand that it can be devastating for some, and you would want to test yourself as quickly as possible. Here are some changes in your body that you will notice:

Is Having Low Testosterone Bad For Men?

Having low testosterone can harm a few areas of your life. The three areas that are most commonly affected are:

Having low testosterone is a hormone imbalance. So, even if you get through the fatigue and push yourself to go to the gym, your workouts will not be as intense as they can be. Also, your muscle growth will slow down with low testosterone.

Your professional life might be affected if you lose your competitive streak, which can happen with hormone imbalances and fatigue. If you go to work and are constantly tired, your peers and colleagues will soon figure this out, and your work might take a hit.

In terms of your sex life, your sex drive will not be as strong as it can be. Also, and more importantly, you might have problems getting and maintaining an erection. If you manage to get an erection, it might not be as hard as it should be, affecting how it feels for your partner.

Is Low Testosterone Bad For Women?

Females generally have lower testosterone than men. For example, women should have 15 to 70 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood. Men should have 300 nanograms.

If you like to work out, your testosterone levels should be towards the middle of that 15 to 70 number. However, if it drops below 15, you will start to experience fatigue, and your sex life will be affected more on your side than on your partners.

If your testosterone is too low, you won’t get all of the benefits that you should be getting from your training sessions, and that is by far one of the biggest impacts of low testosterone.

Can You Increase Your Testosterone Naturally?

If you get your test results and your testosterone is low, your best option is to see a doctor and see what they recommend. They will most likely give you medication that will help boost your testosterone.

However, there are three things you can do to start increasing your testosterone regardless of what level they are now. Let’s take a look at these three methods.

Get Enough Sleep

It is recommended that an adult male and female get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. If you have low testosterone, not getting enough sleep might be one of the causes. Also, it is important that you get good sleep.

Making sure that you are comfortable when going to bed is the best way to get a good night’s rest. Go to bed early and wake up early as it is better than going to bed late and waking up late.


Exercising gets harder the lower your testosterone gets. However, if you manage to fight through it and start going to the gym, your testosterone levels will naturally increase, and getting yourself to the gym will become easier.

Lifting weights is one of the best exercises to increase your testosterone. Now, you will see some small benefits from cardio but not as much as if you lift weights. Remember, this does not mean you should lift heavier weights than you can.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Eating unhealthy foods such as fast food will not help you increase your testosterone levels. In some cases, eating too much junk food can lower your testosterone.

I recommend eating a healthy meal as much as you can, one that consists of protein and carbs. Clean carbs such as broccoli will have more benefits than eating dirty carbs like white rice.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you now know what you need to do to get your testosterone levels tested. You should not be embarrassed to have low or high testosterone; these things happen, and as we get older, they might happen naturally. Getting yourself tested and seeking proper treatment will help you in the long run.

Product Links

There are not many tests available. Also, I tried Amazon, and it seems they do not sell test kits. So, I was not sure how to link the products. So, here are the links to each product:

Let’s get checked:


Everly well:

My Lab Box:


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