Craft of Manhood

How To Prepare Soil For A Vegetable Garden

Jealous of your neighbors’ vegetable garden? Well, this year there is no need to be! Here are a few easy tips on preparing your soil for a nutritious and luscious veggie garden.

Your garden needs the right soil to grow nutritious vegetables. Only a few gardeners are blessed with naturally occurring soil, known as loam. With patience and a little help, you can slowly transform your soil into loam. Intentionally preparing your soil guarantees a future healthy garden.

Food is only as healthy as the soil it grows in. The issue is, most of us do not have access to the perfect soil at home. The good news is there are many ways we can improve our soil!

Stake an Area for Your Vegetable Garden

One of the first things to decide is what size you would like your vegetable garden to be. 100 square feet is a good start. It really depends on each individuals’ preference and needs. Vegetables need 6-8 hours of full sunlight to grow properly. Look for an area in your yard that is exposed to full sunlight for this time. Once you have staked out an area for your vegetable garden, we can start looking into the soil.

What Type of Soil Do I Have?

There are mainly 3 types of soil:

Irrespective of the current nature of your soil, it can all be amended to produce great results!

Get Your Soil Tested

Testing your soil means that you are going to determine the pH level and the nutrient content. Too much and too little of a nutrient both lead to problems. Just as humans need a balance of nutrients for optimal health, so do plants. If your soil’s pH level isn’t suitable, plants are unable to absorb nutrients.

Methods to test your soil:

Follow these steps to prepare a soil sample:

  1. Fill a cup-sized container with the top 4 to 6 inches of your vegetable soil and place the soil in a bag.
  2. Do the above for every 100 ft2.
  3. Mix all your samples, and place two cups of the combined soil into a bag. This is your soil sample which you can test or send to a lab.

How to Change the pH of Your Soil

The PH reading of your soil is another important aspect to consider when preparing your soil. Soil with a pH reading below 7 is acidic, and a pH reading above 7 is alkaline. Improving your soil to have a pH between 6.0 and 7.5 will ensure an optimal level for most vegetables. If you are unsure of your soil pH, you can use commercial pH test trips to find out.

To increase your soil pH:

To decrease your soil pH:

Add Compost

Compost is a MUST! Spread 2 inches of compost over your intended vegetable garden. If it is a new garden, then dig the compost into the soil and mix well. Always add compost to the surface of an established garden, so you don’t disturb the microbial balance.

Compost immediately introduces microorganisms to your soil that break down organic matter and continuously improve your soil. Compost prevents erosion by loosening soil particles, and it increases the soil’s water holding capacity.

As compost breaks down, it slowly releases a bunch of plant-available micro-nutrients to your plants. Compost adds organic matter and increases the carbon in the soil, which greatly increases the water retention ability and tends towards an ideal range for nutrient absorption. It also attracts sowbugs, earthworms, and redworms.

How to make compost at home – Bing video

Mulch the soil surface

Mulch is used to keep the soil cool, retain moisture, improve soil drainage, suppress weeds, and increase soil’s nutrient-holding capacity. 

Types of Organic Mulch

Shredded LeavesSome may find leaves displeasing to the eye.Attract earthworms. Decompose quickly.  
StrawDecomposes slowly.Popular for vegetable gardens. Attracts beneficial insects.  
BarkBark doesn’t mix well into the soil.The bark lasts longer than fine mulches.
Grass ClippingsTend to mat down, making it difficult for water to pass through.Decompose rapidly. Source of Nitrogen.
NewspaperCould contain artificial dyes. May easily blow away.Excellent moisture retention. Suppresses weeds.

Add Aged Manure

Seasoned gardeners refer to well-aged manure as black gold. Adding manure is one of the best ways to make ideal garden soil. It improves the texture and the water-holding capacity of the soil. It also provides several nutrients. Work the manure into the topsoil at least 30 days before planting. Use about 10-100lbs per 100 square feet. Even better is to put manure through a compost heap. Raising the temperature will kill most seeds in manure.

Tilling with worms

No-dig and no-till gardening is quickly becoming more popular. The more we disrupt our soil through tilling, the more we continue to disrupt and damage the ecosystem of our soil. The natural ecosystem is what makes nutrient-rich soil. Roughly add two inches of organic matter to your garden soil and leave the rest to the earthworms. While tilling the soil, earthworms provide hummus and a whole lot of nutrients to your soil.


Don’t overthink it, just start. With a little bit of planning and a lot of care, you will be sure to have a vegetable garden that brings you more satisfaction than you imagined!


Best way to prepare soil for vegetable garden – Beginner Gardener Tips

How to Prepare the Soil for a Vegetable Garden: 15 Steps (

How To Prepare Garden Soil for Planting in 7 Simple Steps (

What Does Loam Mean to a Gardener? (

Benefits Of Compost – Learn About The Advantages Of Using Compost (

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